Lina Razumova

Time: 2020-05-09      Form: BERECA2022      

Biography: Lina Razumova is a Doctor of Philology, associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Romance Philology, Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Russia.
She graduated from the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen.
In 1998 she received her Ph.D. degree in philology for her Ph.D. thesis entitled «Multi-component phrases in the structure of the French language (nominal prepositional phrases)» (Russian State Pedagogical University  named after A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg).  
She got a doctorate in 2016, she completed her Ph.D. with a dissertation «Representation of the language norm in French variants outside of France (Quebec and Belgian versions)» (Moscow State Pedagogical University).  
Pr. Lina Razumova is the author of numerous publications. Her current research interests include philology, sociolinguistics, philosophy, cultural studies, literary criticism and intercultural communication.